Eckart Haneke
Curriculum vitae
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. habil. Eckart Haneke
Study of medicine at the Medical Faculty, Martin-Luther-University, Halle/Saale 1960-1966
Internship in Internal Medicine, Surgery (traumatology), and Physiological Chemistry 1966-1967
Dermatology training at Dept Dermatol, Univ Halle 1967-1971, board certification 1971. Senior resident till Jan 1973
General practitioner at Arnstein/Unterfranken 1973-1974
Dept Dermatol Univ Erlangen 1975-1986: Senior resident 1975, Ass Prof 1975-1978, Docent 1978-1979, Associate Prof 1980-1986
Professor and chairman, Dept Dermatol Wuppertal Hosp, Acad Teaching Hosp Univs Düsseldorf and Witten-Herdecke 1986-2000
Head, Inst Dermatol, Klinikk Bunaes, Sandvika, Oslo, Norway 2000-2004
Dermatologist, Dermatol Clin „Dermaticum“, Kaiser-Joseph-Strasse, Freiburg, Germany, since 2004
Honorary Consultant, Dept Dermatol, Univ Med Ctr St Radboud, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2004-2005
Visiting professor, Dept Dermatol, Univ Berne, Switzerland, since 2005
Senior Consultant, Dept Dermatol, Acad Hosp, Univ Ghent, Belgium, 2006-2020
Senior Consultant, Centro de Dermatologia, Instituto CUF, Porto, Portugal, since 2008
MD: Univ Halle 1968 (Thesis: Fluorescence histochemical demonstration of adrenergic nerves in the portio vaginalis uteri [German])
PhD: Univ Erlangen 1978 (PhD Thesis: Glossodynia – clinical, histopathological, histomorphometric measurements, aetiopathogenetic management [German])
Associate professor: Erlangen 1979 Clinical professor: Erlangen 1980
Special interests Dermatopathology, dermatological surgery, nail diseases and nail surgery, diseases of the oral mucosa, aesthetic dermatology
Publications >400 journal articles, >200 book chapters, author of 8 books, co-editor of 10 books, >1600 lectures at national and international meetings
Reviewer for Arch Dermatol/JAMA Dermatol, Br J Dermatol, Eur J Dermatol, Fungi, Hautarzt, J Am Acad Dermatol, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, J German Soc Dermatol, J Cut Pathol, etc.
Member of the editorial board of several peer-reviewed journals.
Advisory Board: Dermatol Med Quir Cosm, J Turk Acad Dermatol
>30 dermatol surgery courses in 5 continents
>25 nail surgery courses in 4 continents
Societies German Dermatol Soc, German Soc Dermatol Surg (Founding member, long-term board of directors, past vice-president), Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, French Soc Dermatol Venereol (Corresponding Member), Austrian Soc Dermatol (Corresponding member), German Working Group Dermatohistopathol (Past President), Asoc Colomb Dermatol (Honorary member), German Mycol Soc, Mex Soc Dermatol Surg (Hon Member), Turk Dermatol Soc (Hon Memb), Pol Soc Dermatol (Hon Memb), Int Soc Dermatol Surg (Past President), Eur Nail Soc (Past President), Eur Soc Cosm Aesthet Dermatol (Past President), Dermatol Surg Group Swiss Soc Dermatol Venereol (Hon Member), Asociación Argentina de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética (Hon Member), Hellenic Soc Dermatol Surg (Hon Member and Honorary President), Romanian Soc Dermatol (Hon Member), Slovak Soc Med Branch of Aesthet Cosm Dermatol (Honorary Member), Swiss Soc Dermatol Venereol (Honorary Member), Roman Soc Dermatopathol (Honorary member), Soc Mex Tricol (Honorary Member).